MENSA Greece

Gifted & Talented Children and their Needs

Dyslexia, Attention Deficit (ADHD) & Giftedness: the Primacy of Creative Multiple Diversity

The common feature of ingenious inventors, entrepreneurs, leaders and artists is Dyslexia, which is a Gift from God, but only when we know it is present and we treat it properly at an early stage. Instead, due to ignorance, we focus only on the Specific Learning Difficulty in writing, very slow reading, terrible misspelling, poor school performance and time mismanagement.

The ADHD syndrome manifests itself as a Behavioral and Self-control problem, with serious psycho-social and learning implications. It is made up of 3 subcategories: Attention Deficit, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity. Both Dyslexia and ADHD are due to biological and usually inherited causes, they mostly coexist, they last for life, they appear at a ratio of 4 boys to 1 girl, internationally, and they are accompanied by a special giftedness and ingenuity.

But when undetected and untreated, they unfortunately lead to serious secondary psycho-social problems such as low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and even depression. All this can be avoided/ reduced through early diagnosis or, even better, through pre-school prognosis, and with appropriate individualized treatment.

The talk will focus on the causes, the symptoms, the prognostic and diagnostic methods used internationally, and on the learning and psycho-social effects of dyslexia and ADHD. We will establish their relationship with giftedness and its biological origins.

The topic will be presented from the medical, psychological, educational and human perspective.

Pavlidis Georgios

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